Happy Father’s Day

“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.”
― Thich Nhat HanhPeace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life


My letter to God, Source, Universal Energy:

Dear My Creator,

There have been many times in my life where I have forgotten about you. It is at those moments that life seems unbearable and time

seems to stand still. I am lost in the myriad of my mind spinning thoughts out of control. Thoughts that move me farther and farther away from you God, creating pain and suffering in my body. At those times I call out to you for help but at the same time felt undeserving of your love. If only I knew then that all I needed to do in order to feel your love was to be present and just BE, I could have avoided so much pain and heart ache. However looking back I would not change a thing in my past. All my past experiences have allowed me to experience myself as who I am not so that I can now know the difference between love and fear, joy and sadness, war and peace. I am present and with you my Father. I feel your love in me. I feel totally at peace. For when I am present and just allow myself to BE, I am with you as well. Thank you for being such a mighty presence in my life. I trust in you. I make the intention to always be present. I make the intention to always be aware of my thoughts so when they are not serving me, I can change that thought. I thank you for allowing me to be your messenger. Happy Father’s Day my creator.

Love and Peace,

